Monday, March 14, 2011

Final posting for class

I truly appreciate all that I learned from this class. It is amazing to me that I was able to get so much out of such a short class. I unfortunately had to miss the last class due to problems with my babysitter but was able to play around with WEFT QDA on my own. I think this is a handy tool that I plan to utilize on a project that I am working on right now. I have fully embraced Dropbox and Mendeley. I am convinced these are the best inventions ever! I think that all of the resources that were reviewed in class were great. Although I will not need to use all of the resources that were reviewed, I can really see the benefit in each of them and beleive that fellow qualitative researchers may find them really useful. I plan to continue exploring some of the resrouces listed on DiRT (awesome website) once I complete my comprehensive exams next month and hope to learn about more cool resources that can augment my research. Thank you so much for the opportunity to take this class - it totally rocked :)

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